Detailed Instructions
Civil Cover Sheet
Petition for Name Change
Notice of Petition
List of Publications to file Notice
Proof of Publication with Exhibit Sheet
Request for Submission
Proposed Order for Name Change
*All prices do not include the Court's filing fee or the publication fee.
Typically they run around $260 and the publication fee typically runs around $150-$200..
Any person who wishes to change their name can do so by filing with the District Court where you live. You must disclose to the Court the reasons you wish to change your name and it cannot be changed for any fraudulent or illegal reasons.
You must include your current name, the name you wish to take, whether you have been convicted of a felony and if you would like your birth certificate to be changed as well.
Once the Petition is filed, you will need to have the Notice of your name change with a local newspaper. Once that is completed, you will submit your request with the Court.
After the Court issues the Order to change your name, you will then have to send the various agencies (DMV, Social Security, Vital Statists, banks, etc.) a certified copy of your name change order.
Detailed Instructions
Civil Cover Sheet
Petition for Name Change
Notice of Petition
List of Publications to file Notice
Proof of Publication with Exhibit Sheet
Request for Submission
Proposed Order for Name Change
*All prices do not include the Court's filing fees.
Typically they run around $260 and the publication fee typically runs around $150-$200 additional.